Monday, March 7, 2011

Leccion Tres: Los animales de latinoamerica

Jaguar is a type of large cat. It is found in Mexico and Central America. Jaguars are carnivores and good hunters. The jaguar played an important role in the religions of Aztec, Mayan, and Incan peoples.

The howler monkey is the native of Central and South America. They are called howler monkeys because of the tremendous noise they make: they can be heard up to three miles away. Besides being known for its loud voice, the howler monkey is also unique for its tail, which it uses like another hand.

Quetzal is a bird.The bird is featured on Guatemala's currency and is considered one of the country's symbols.In addition, some cultures have considered the quetzal a sacred bird.

Capybaras are herbivores: they graze on grasses and water plants. Their home is South America.

Capybaras are social, and they can be found in groups as large as thirty. Adult male capybaras mate with and are in charge of several females and their babies.

Humans raise capybaras for food and they are seen as a delicacy. This is especially important in South America, as the Catholic tradition of Lent forbids the eating of meat. Clergy decided to classify capybara meat as fish, which made them okay for Catholics to eat.

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