Thursday, March 24, 2011

Lección Nueve: Las medicinas tradicionales

Folk remedies use household ingredients, such as herbs and food to solve medical problems. Most cultures have folk remedies for curing common ailments.

According to Mexican folk healing, one way to treat sore muscles is to rub a tincture of avocado pit on the muscle. In fact, many parts of the avocado are used in home remedies: the fruit itself, the peel, the leaves, and the bark are also used. Preparing the avocado in different ways makes it useful in treating ailments such as dandruff, menstrual cramps, and spider bites.

There many other folk healing practices for common pains and illnesses. For example, jellyfish stings can be healed with a cold papaya poultice. Another example involves a jalapeño. If you have a mosquito bite, rub a fresh jalapeño pepper on it to soothe the itch.

Some folk healing remedies use unusual ingredients. For instance, one interesting technique that eases tonsil pain is to take the baba, or foamy saliva, from a horse's mouth and rub it on the neck.

Folk remedies even have cures for modern-day problems. For example, chewing on cinnamon or ginger candy can help with car and seasickness.

One folk remedy my family use is drinking cranberry juice to cure unrinary tract infections.

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