Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Lección Veinte

According to the World Health Organization, one in three people suffers from malnutrition, which means that they do not have all of the proper nutrients they need to survive. In other words, one-third of the people in the world do not have access to the foods they need in order to live a healthy life.

Many international organizations have taken on the task of eliminating malnutrition. Today, one way that these organizations fight malnutrition is to provide products made from soybeans. Many Latin American communities are experimenting with adding soy to what they regularly eat. The World Initiative for Soy in Human Health is actively advocating using soy in many Latin American countries, including Guatemala, Honduras, and Peru.

The World Food Program (WFP) has developed many special nutritional foods and supplements that they are distributing around the world. One of these is Inka Mix, a fortified blended complementary food that is being introduced to young Peruvian children. There is also a powdered protein supplement that can be put on food that is already cooked. Additionally, the WFP has an educational initiative to teach pregnant women and mothers of young children about soy and its nutritional value.

Within the last ten years, farmers in Argentina and Paraguay turned their cattle farms to soy farms. Soy became their cash crop, a crop grown only to sell and not be used in any other way. Farmers made a lot of money quickly, so a lot of them dedicated their entire farms to growing soy.

However, growing soy is very damaging to fields. It requires a lot of machinery and pesticides, which are both bad for the soil and the land. In Argentina, there have been floods in recent years as a result of deforestation, or cutting down trees to make more room for crops. Another result of deforestation is that animals are losing their homes, especially in the forests of northern Argentina.

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