Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Lección Dieciséis

Gabriel García Márquez

Gabriel García Márquez was born in northern Colombia in 1927.

García Márquez began writing short stories in the 1940s. His first, "La Hojarasca" ("Leaf Storm"), was published in 1955.

In 1967, García Márquez published Cien Años de Soledad (One Hundred Years of Solitude), his most successful novel. Cien Años de Soledad tells the story of several generations of a family, in which García Márquez uses magic realism.

He grew up with his grandparents, who told him civil war stories and superstitions. After his grandfather died, he moved to Sucre to live with his parents and begin his formal education. After graduating, García Márquez began working as a journalist and traveling around Colombia and Latin America. He became a foreign correspondent and traveled around the world.

Wordle: La Bibloteca

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